For both lab and process applications, Sartorius will engineer Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) weigh cells and load cells as solutions for integration of a force or weighing sensor into your plant equipment or machine. Sartorius offers weigh cells featuring electromagnetic force compensation, and electronic modules that can be installed in or connected to other equipment requiring a weighing function in order to be operable.
Basic OEM-Weigh Cells
Features an electromagnetic force compensation system that provides the essential weighing technology components for your system integration.
The high Resolution OEM weigh cells provides the essential weighing technology components for the integration into your system. The advantages of the simple adaption and compact overall volume allow for cost-efficient and precise weighing. The weigh cells consist of two parts: the electromagnetic force compensation weighing system with a protective aluminum housing and the electronics mounted on a metal plate.
Explosion Protected IP44 OEM-Weigh Cells with CE
Explosion-protected weigh cells for use in hazardous areas suited for Zone 1 and 2 with gases of group IIC and temperature class T4.
Explosion protected IP44 OEM-weigh cells for use in hazardous areas. The devices are suited for Zone 1 and 2 with gasses of group IIC and temperature class T4 as well as for Zone 21 and 22 for dust atmospheres (Tmax =275 °F). The explosion protected IP44 OEM-weigh cells feature an automatic weighing system in a stainless steel IP44 housing with force compensation technology and a load receptor with overload protection. The separation of weighing system and electronics allows for fast warm-up.
High Precision OEM-Weigh Cells
High precision weigh cells with a resolution and a repeatability of up to 0.001 mg respectively ± 0.002 mg featuring an automatic weighing system.
Profi Line IP44 OEM-Weigh Cells with CE
Profi Line IP44 weigh cells with resolutions and capacities of up to 0.1 mg, respectively 8,200 g, featuring an automatic weighing system.
For more information or to request a quote for Sartorius OEM Weigh Cells, call Alpha-Liberty at 513-777-1525 or submit the Alpha Liberty online contact form.